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FairCom Direct SQL for C and C++

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Retrieve the column length in bytes:

  • For character data types, the return value represents the data length in the number of bytes, including the null terminator. This field should be used for purposes of any memory allocation.
  • For other data types, the return value represents the number of bytes.


INTEGER ctsqlGetColumnLength(pCTSQLCURSOR hCursor, INTEGER colnumber)


ctsqlGetColumnLength() retrieves the column length.

  • hCursor the cursor handle.
  • colnumber the column number.


ctsqlGetColumnLength() returns the column length in bytes.

See Also

ctsqlGetColumnName(), ctsqlGetColumnNameLen(), ctsqlGetColumnCount(), ctsqlGetColumnType(), ctsqlGetColumnPrecision(), ctsqlGetColumnScale()
