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Backups and Data IntegrityDatabase Backup GuideBackup Script Options!COPY_NONCTREE

Database Administrator's Guide

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To include non c-tree files in a dynamic dump, use the dump keyword !COPY_NONCTREE. Any file included in the !FILES section of the FairCom Server dynamic dump script that receives error FUNK_ERR (13) or error READ_ERR (36) on c-tree open will be treated as a non c-tree file and copied directly to the dump stream base directory. More accurately, to the dump stream base directory plus any subdirectory included in the file's name.

If the destination directory does not exist, the FairCom Server will attempt to create it. If this directory creation fails a FCPY_ERR (796) is reported.

Note: A check is not made that wildcard specifications in the c-tree/non-ctree file sections match the same filename. In this case, the c-tree file is included in the dump and then the non-ctree file is also copied.

See Also
