Product Documentation

Database Administrator's Guide

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Automatically Restore Backup for Ready-to-Use Files

The FairCom Server dynamic dump script file keyword, !IMMEDIATE_RESTORE, instructs the dynamic dump to be immediately followed by a dump restore. The idea is to allow for transaction consistent files to be available immediately in a native file system form as opposed to embedded files in the dynamic dump stream file.

A key issue is where the dynamic dump restore utility, ctrdmp, can run as it cannot run in the current server directory. If this occurs, error TCOL_ERR (537) results indicating that ctrdmp conflicted with an existing server operation. The natural solution is to run the ctrdmp in the directory that receives the dump stream file. We call this the dump stream base directory. In essence, this requires that !DUMP <streamFileSpec> use a file name including a path where the dump restore should run. For example, a dynamic dump script entry of the form

!DUMP I:\dump\mydumpstream

will cause the dump stream file mydumpstream to be created in the dump stream base directory I:\dump. If !IMMEDIATE_RESTORE is part of the dump script, then the automatically launched ctrdmp is also executed in the I:\dump directory.

Upon restoration of files, the enhanced dump restore will also automatically create any required directory hierarchies for previously backed-up files. If an immediate restore operation fails, the server sets the error code for the dynamic dump operation to DRST_ERR (797, immediate dump restore failed).
