Product Documentation

Database Administrator's Guide

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Start Up Errors

The FairCom Server verifies database integrity and the operation of its own components at startup. If any problems are detected, the FairCom Server places error messages in the FairCom Server Status Log, CTSTATUS.FCS, and displays them on the system console. In extreme cases, the FairCom Server halts operation. Several kinds of errors can occur at startup.

Some of these errors, and the appropriate reaction to each, are as follows:


Explanation and Reaction to Error


A file required during automatic recovery cannot be located. Either it was removed after the server failed or the physical media (e.g. disk drive) was damaged during a failure. To recover from this problem, reload the last complete system backup. See Maintaining Database Integrity (Backups and Data Integrity, Maintaining Database Integrity) for more information.


File number overflow. Too many files opened. Verify the configuration to ensure the proper file allocations and limits. Verify the applications are opening the appropriate files in the appropriate manner.


A log file required for recovery is not available. To recover from this problem, reload the last complete system backup. See Maintaining Database Integrity (Backups and Data Integrity, Maintaining Database Integrity) for more information.


Communication handler not installed. Be sure the network drivers are loaded or the shared memory directory (/usr/ctsrv) for Unix platforms has been created.



Can also occur if the server is unable to create a socket for the client connection. Socket creation will fail if the available file descriptors for the server process have been used (if the server has many files open, for example). Check the per-process file descriptor limit on your system. This limit must be large enough to accommodate the number of files you wish to open (the FILES setting in the server configuration), plus the number of clients to connect to the server at a time (the CONNECTIONS or USERS setting in the server configuration).


Another copy of the particular FairCom Server you attempted to start is already running. Each installed copy of the FairCom Server must have its own license and a unique serial number. If you do not have enough FairCom Server licenses, please contact your FairCom Server provider.

Note: Utility error messages covered in this manual refer to messages a FairCom Server sends to a program connected to it. Although we list error numbers with brief explanations of each error, it is important to understand how errors are treated, including messages sent to users. It is the responsibility of the client application programs receiving the error messages to properly capture and display the errors.

Note: The error messages associated with specific error numbers for the FairCom DB SQL Server are found in the dherrors file which is stored in the lib sub-directory below the LOCAL_DIRECTORY (if this keyword is defined in the server configuration file), SERVER_DIRECTORY (if this deprecated keyword is defined in the server configuration file), or the directory where the server is installed.
