Invoke the ODBC Data Source Administrator. Select FairCom DB SQL from the list of installed system DSN drivers and fill in the dialog fields as shown below:
Data Source Name (DSN) - Local name for FairCom DB SQL data source
Description - Optional descriptive text.
Host, Database, User ID, and Password - The driver uses these values if the application does not supply them. If no you leave these blank, the user is prompted when the application connects.
Default Fetch Size - Size (in bytes) used to fetch multiple rows from the server reducing network requests resulting in performance gains. Connection string attribute FETCH_SIZE=[ bytes ] *
Default - 5000
Default Query Timeout - Query Timeout (in seconds) Connection string attribute: QUERY_TIMEOUT=[ number of seconds ] *
Preserve Cursor - Yes or No depending on your application requirements.
Client Character Set - Client character set.
Options - Optional FairCom DB SQL specific parameters (Refer to online documentation).
* Connection string settings take precedence over defined DSN values.