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VCL/CLX Developers Guide

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Public properties


property ActiveRecord() : TCtRecord;

This read-only property represents the record handle.


property CreateMode() : Integer;

This property sets the table creation mode. This property is optional and is only used when a new table is created. The valid values for the create mode property are given in “c-treeVCL/CLX Definitions”.


property Database() : TComponent;

Set this property with the database component associated with this TCtDataSet before any other TCtDataSet operation.


property DefaultIndex() : Integer;

This property indicates which index number to use as the default index. To change the default index, set this property with the index number. If not set, the first index created is used as the default index.


property Directory() : String;

Set the TCtDataSet directory location. This property is only used by the CreateTable() and AddTable() methods.


property Exclusive() : Boolean;

Set this property to indicate if a table is to be open with exclusive access.


property Groupid() : String;

Set this property with the table group id. This property is optional and should only be set when creating a new table.


property hDatabase() : CTHANDLE;

Retrieve the Database handle for this TCtDataSet component.


property hSession() : CTHANDLE;

Retrieve the Session handle for this TCtDataSet component.


property hTable() : CTHANDLE;

Retrieve the Table handle for this TCtDataSet component.


property Password() : String;

Set this property with the table password. This property is optional and should only be set if the table was created or is to be created with a password set. If the table is created with a password, operations like Delete require the password to delete the table.


property Permanent() : Boolean;

Use this property to indicate if a table is to be open in PERMANENT or VIRTUAL mode. The default value is False (the table open mode is VIRTUAL). Please see the c-tree Plus documentation for a more detailed discussion on PERMANENT or VIRTUAL open modes.


property Permission() : Integer;

Set the permission mask for the table. This property is optional and is only used when a new table is created. Please refer to “c-treeVCL/CLX Definitions” for valid values for the permission masks.


property Position() : CTOFFSET;

Retrieve the current record offset.


property Session() : TComponent;

Retrieve the Session object for the given Database.


property Table() : String;

Set this property with the table name before activating (opening) the table.
