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VCL/CLX Developers Guide

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constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent);

The TCtDatabase component constructor.


destructor Destroy();

The TCtDatabase component destructor. Do not call Destroy directly. The object must be destroyed with the inherited (TObject) Free() method.


procedure AddDatabase();

Add an existing database to the session. The Database, Directory and Session properties must be set before this method is called.


procedure CloseAll();

Close all open tables associated with this database.


procedure Connect();

Connect the database to a session. The Database and Session properties must be set before calling this method.


procedure CreateDatabase();

Create a new database for this session. The Database, Directory and Session properties must be set before calling this method.


procedure DeleteDatabase();

Drop a database from a session and delete the database dictionary file from disk. Set the Database and Session properties before calling this method.


procedure Disconnect();

Disconnects the database from a session.


procedure DropDatabase();

Drop a database from a session. This method only removes the database entry in the session dictionary. The database dictionary file is not deleted. Set the Database and Session properties before calling this method.


procedure RenameTable(FOldName : string; FNewName : string);

  • FOldName - the current name of the table.
  • FNewName - the new name to be given to the table.

RenameTable() renames a c-treeVCL table. The Rename() function attempts to open the table in exclusive mode. The table must be closed and opened with exclusive access to rename the physical file resources. Error FCNF_COD (-8) is generally returned should the file already be open. Rename() returns with the table closed once the rename operation is complete.
