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Published properties


property Active() : Boolean;

Indicates if a database is connected to a session. A database can be activated by calling the method Connect() or by setting this property to True. A database can be deactivated by calling the method Disconnect() or by setting this property to False.


Property AutoCreate() : Boolean;

Boolean property that, when set to True, automatically creates the database dictionary if it doesn't yet exist. Notice that the database dictionary will be created when the component tries to Connect to the Database (Active property set to true). The database dictionary will use all default database properties, unless any of them is modified using the OnCreate() event. The Directory and other Published properties may be set before the database creation in order to modify its behavior.


property Database() : String;

Database name. Set this property before making a database connection active.


property Directory() : String;

Directory path where the database dictionary file is to be found. This property should only be set when creating or adding databases to the session.


property Session() : TComponent;

This property is used to assign the database to a session. This property must be set before attempting any other database operation.
