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Published properties


property Active() : Boolean;

Boolean property that indicates if a session is active or not. A session can be activated by calling the method Logon() or by setting this property to True. A session can be deactivated by calling the method Logout() or by setting this property to False.


property AutoCreate() : Boolean;

Boolean property that, when set to True, automatically creates the session dictionary if it doesn't yet exist. Notice that the session dictionary will be created when the component tries to Log on to the session (Active property set to true). The session dictionary will use all default session properties, unless any of them is modified using the OnCreate event. The Directory and other Published properties may be set before the session creation in order to modify its behavior.


property Bufs() : Integer;

The number of index file buffers. This is an optional property and the default value is sufficient for most applications. The default value for Bufs() is 10, and it should be enough for most c-treeVCL/CLX applications. For more information on Bufs(), refer to the c-tree Plus documentation.


property DBufs() : Integer;

The number of data file buffers. This is an optional property and the default value is sufficient for most applications. The default value for DBufs() is 10, and it should be enough for most c-treeVCL/CLX applications. For more information on DBufs,() refer to the c-tree Plus documentation.


property Directory() : String;

Indicates the location of the session dictionary file. This property should be set to blank when connecting to a c-tree Server.


property Fils() : Integer;

An initial block of file structures. This is an optional property and the default value is sufficient for most applications. The default value for Fils() is 32, and it should be enough for most c-treeVCL/CLX applications. For more information on Fils(), refer to the c-tree Plus documentation.


property Password() : String;

The user password. This property should be set before activating the session.


property Sect() : Integer;

The number of node sectors. This is an optional property and the default value is sufficient for most applications. The default value for Sect() is 32, and it should be enough for most c-treeVCL/CLX applications. For more information on Sect(), refer to the c-tree Plus documentation.


property Server() : String;

The server name. This property should be set before activating the session.


property SessionType() : TCtSessionType;

The session type being allocated or created. There are three types of sessions: CTSESSION_CTDB (default value), CTSESSION_CTREE, and CTSESSION_SQL. CTSESSION_CTDB requires the session and database dictionaries to operate on tables. CTSESSION_CTREE does not require the dictionaries, but the user must specify the table directory directly. When using CTSESSION_SQL, any database created inside the session will also create the c-treeSQL system tables, and all tables created and opened using this session type will update the system tables. With this, these tables will be ready to be used with c-treeSQL.

This is a read and write property. It should be set before logging on to or creating the session. It shows the appropriate setting after logging on.


property User() : String;

The user name. This property should be set before activating the session.


property Userprof() : Integer;

The user profile mask. This is an optional property and the default value is sufficient for most applications. The default value for Userprof() is 513, and it should be enough for most c-treeVCL/CLX applications. Please refer to c-tree Plus documentation for more information on user profile masks.
