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VCL/CLX Developers Guide

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Adding, Inserting or deleting fields

Fields are what hold the actual record data for each row in a table. Whereas a record could be considered a “row” in a table, a field could be considered a “column” in a table, or a “cell” in a record. The fields are defined at the time of the table creation.

Fields are added to the record definition in the order they are declared. c-treeVCL table component also includes methods that allow a field to be inserted at a certain place in the records definition and fields can be deleted from the record definition.

AddField() will add a new field to the end of the record definition. InsertField() insert a new field before a given field already defined. DeleteField() deletes a field from the record definition.

Each filed will have a file type (e.g., CT_INTEGER and CT_CHAR in the example below). For more information, see Field Types.
