Product Documentation

FairCom ISAM for C

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Better Error Reporting when Exceeding the Maximum Length of VARCHAR Fields

In versions prior to FairCom DB V12 and FairCom RTG V3, when ISAM inserts a string in a VARCHAR field that exceeds the maximum size allowed by SQL, the following occurs: an error is reported, the record is truncated, and a panic is logged in CTSTATUS.FCS. This is desirable behavior, but the error code does not help identify the error and offending rows are not identified by Select * from table ctoption(badrec).

In this release, a more helpful error code of "bad record" is returned, and the offending rows are identified by Select * from table ctoption(badrec).

For example, if ISAM updates a field with 10,000 characters when the maximum number of characters in SQL is 8,000, a "bad record" occurs, a panic is logged in CTSTATUS.FCS, and Select * from table ctoption(badrec) identifies the offending rows.
