FairCom DB has very few hard limits, and some can be adjusted. The following limits should be kept in mind as you work with FairCom DB:
Max fixed-length record size: 64KB
Max variable-length record size: 2GB
Max number of records per file: No limit
Maximum file size: 16 Exabytes (18 million terabytes)
Maximum number of open files: 32,767
Maximum number of indices per data file: Defaults to 64 (can be increased using MAX_DAT_KEY in ctsrvr.cfg to a theoretical limit of 32767, although a practical limit exists well before this value)
Maximum number of segments per index: Defaults to 16 (can be increased using MAX_KEY_SEG in ctsrvr.cfg to a theoretical limit of 32767, although a practical limit exists well before this value)