Product Documentation

FairCom ISAM for C

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SQL Snapshot Structure

(Version 2 of ctsqls SNAPSHOT structure)

typedef struct ctsqls {

ULONG client_ver; /* client version of structure */

ULONG server_ver; /* server version of structure */

ULONG fixlen; /* length of fixed portion of snapshot */

ULONG varlen; /* length of variable region (if any) */

ULONG contents; /* bit map of var len contents */

ULONG unused; /* available for use */

LONG8 snapshottm; /* snapshot time stamp: seconds since 70*/

LONG8 sctmemhgh; /* SQL memory highwater mark */

LONG8 sctmemsum; /* current aggregate sum */

LONG8 sctdscrqs; /* dynamic statement cache requests */

LONG8 sctdschit; /* dynamic statement cache hits */

LONG8 sctsscrqs; /* static statement cache requests */

LONG8 sctsschit; /* static statement cache hits */

LONG sctmemcnt; /* current net SQL memory allocations */

LONG sctdsctot; /* current dynamic stmt cache entries */

LONG sctdschgh; /* highest dynamic stmt cache entries */

LONG sctdscmax; /* maximum dynamic stmt cache entries */

LONG sctssctot; /* current static stmt cache entries */

LONG sctsschgh; /* highest static stmt cache entries */

LONG sctsscmax; /* maximum static stmt cache entries */

UTEXT sflvr; /* server byte order */

UTEXT salgn; /* server alignment */

UTEXT spntr; /* server pointer size */

TEXT availt; /* available for use */

} ctSQLS, ctMEM * pctSQLS;
