Product Documentation

FairCom ISAM for C

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Deployment Options

The following developer deployment options allow developers to ensure the FairCom Server operates as the application requires.

  • The Tamper-Proof Server Configuration File or settings file, ctsrvr.set by default, enforces developer-specified configuration settings. Because entries in the settings file cannot be overridden, users cannot alter important aspects of the Server configuration. A special activation key from FairCom can make the settings file mandatory, forcing the FairCom Server to operate with your specific settings. The settings file is encrypted to prevent unauthorized modifications.
  • Some configuration options are specific to the settings file. This allows the developer to encrypt the FAIRCOM.FCS, to specify a validation key for the FAIRCOM.FCS file, and to specify a default password for the ADMIN User ID.
  • FairCom Servers detect when a disk volume is getting full. The DISK_FULL_LIMIT keyword activates a disk space threshold mechanism to check the space available on a drive when a file is about to be expanded, preventing system-level ‘Disk Full’ errors. This allows the application to evaluate and respond to the situation before it becomes critical.
  • The FairCom Server optionally maintains the System Event Log in the form of a c‑tree data file with a record for each recordable system event. Making the System Event Log as FairCom DB files allows client applications to read the file and make reports. Unlike the CTSTATUS.FCS file, the system log files can be encrypted so entries cannot be added, deleted, or modified with a simple text editor. Vendors can add application specific entries to the log.
  • Whether or not you are migrating to the FairCom Server, see Migrating Your Application Between Operational Models for information critical to the different operational models, including the client/Server model.
