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c-treeDB API for C# - Developers Guide

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CTField InsertField( int BeforeField, String Name, FIELD_TYPE Type,

int Length)

CTField InsertField( String BeforeField, String Name, FIELD_TYPE Type,

int Length)


  • BeforeField [in] Insert the new field before this field number, if the prototype InsertField(int BeforeField, String Name, FIELD_TYPE Type, int Length) is used. Insert the new field before this field name, if the prototype InsertField(String BeforeField, String Name, FIELD_TYPE Type, int Length) is used.
  • Name [in] The field name to insert in the table
  • Type [in] the field type. Valid field type values are shown in "Field Types".
  • Length [in] the field length


Inserts a new field into the table, in the specified position.


InsertField() returns a field object on success or NULL on failure.

See Also

AddField(), DelField(), GetFieldNumber()
