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c-treeDB C API Function ReferenceFunction DescriptionsctdbStringToTDateTime

FairCom DB API for C

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Convert a date and time in a string ot a double containing a delphi TDateTime value.


CTDBRET ctdbDECL ctdbStringToTDateTime(cpTEXT pStr, DOUBLE* tdatetime, CTDATE_TYPE DateType, CTTIME_TYPE TimeType)


ctdbStringToTDateTime() converts a date and time in a string to a double containing a delphi TDateTime value.


  • pStr [IN] - string containing the date and time
  • unixtime [OUT] - pointer to a time_t type value to receive the converted string date and time
  • DateType [IN] - one of the date types
  • TimeType [IN] - one of the time types

Return values

Returns CTDBRET_OK on success.
