Set extension hint in the handle to help with proper file name building at table open time.
CTDBRET ctdbDECL ctdbSetExtensionHint(CTHANDLE Handle, EXT_INFO ExtHint)
Calling ctdbSetExtensionHint(hDatabase,...) on a database handle allows setting the extension hint for ctdbAddTable() and ctdbAddTableXtd().
EXT_DETECT - Backward compatible behavior: FairCom DB API will detect if the file terminates with ".*" and remove it from the file name and then add the current table extension.
EXT_PRESENT - File names contain file extension: The file name is specified with file extension; FairCom DB API will detect if the file terminates with ".*" and use what matches as extension, in case of no match the extension is set to "" (none).
EXT_MISSING - File names do not contain file extension: The file name is specified without extension; FairCom DB API will add the current extension.
For ctdbAddTableXtd only:
EXT_PRESENT_L - Logical file name contains file extension; physical does not.
EXT_PRESENT_P - Physical file name contains file extension; logical does not.
Return Values
Returns CTDBRET_OK on success, else returns the appropriate error code.