Update the table create mode.
CTDBRET ctdbUpdateCreateMode(CTHANDLE Handle, CTCREATE_MODE mode)
ctdbUpdateCreateMode() updates the table create mode (which was specified when the table was created with the ctdbCreateTable() function). ctdbUpdateCreateMode() changes critical file mode attributes, such as the level of transaction control. This function is intended for use by experts, and should not be used unless you really understand all the implications. Since calling this function can cause the settings stored in the table handle to get out of sync with the table dictionary, the programmer should close and then re-open the table after using this function (see ctdbCloseTable(), ctdbOpenTable()).
No check is made to determine if the mode change will damage data. No check is made if the new mode is valid.
Note: Use this function with caution, as data may be lost. For example, changing a data file from transaction processing to no transaction processing makes automatic recovery unavailable.
ctdbUpdateCreateMode() returns CTDBRET_OK on success, or FairCom DB API C API error code on failure.
See also