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c-treeDB C API Function ReferenceFunction DescriptionsctdbStringToDate

FairCom DB API for C

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Convert a date in string format to CTDATE packed format.


CTDBRET ctdbStringToDate(pTEXT pStr, CTDATE_TYPE DateType,

pCTDATE pDate)


ctdbStringToDate() converts a date in string format to CTDATE packed format. Use ctdbDateToString() to convert a packed CTDATE into a string.

  • pStr [in] the pointer to the string.
  • DateType [in] the date type. Valid types are listed in FairCom DB API Data Types.
  • pDate [out] the pointer to date that will result from the conversion.


ctdbStringToDate() returns CTDBRET_OK on success, or FairCom DB API C error on failure.

The possible errors associated with ctdbStringToDate() are:

  • CTDBRET_NULARG (4007): Null argument not valid in pStr
  • CTDBRET_NOMEMORY (4001): Not enough memory
  • CTDBRET_INVFORMAT (4028): Invalid format in DateType
  • CTDBRET_INVDATE (4029): Invalid packed CTDATE

See also

ctdbStringToTime(), ctdbDateToString()
