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FairCom DB API for C

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Add two Number values. pResult = left + right


CTDBRET ctdbNumberAdd(pCTNUMBER pLeft, pCTNUMBER pRight,

pCTNUMBER pResult)


ctdbNumberAdd() add number pLeft to pRight and store the result in ‘pResult’. Do not make regular additions with CTNUMBER values.

  • pLeft [in] pointer to the first value to be added.
  • pRight [in] pointer to the second value to be added.
  • pResult [out] pointer to the result of the add operation.


ctdbNumberAdd() returns CTDBRET_OK on success, or FairCom DB API error on failure. The possible error associated with ctdbNumberAdd() is:

  • CTDBRET_OVERFLOW (4038): Operation caused overflow

See also

ctdbNumberSub(), ctdbNumberMul(), ctdbNumberDiv()
