Product Documentation

c-treeDB C API Function ReferenceFunction DescriptionsctdbIsEditedRecord

FairCom DB API for C

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Retrieve the edited record flag.


CTBOOL ctdbIsEditedRecord(CTHANDLE Handle)


ctdbIsEditedRecord() retrieves the edited record flag. If YES, the record has been edited since it has been read from the table. Functions like ctdbSetFieldAsString() and all other ctdbSetFieldAs...() functions set the edited record flag to YES. Functions like ctdbAllocRecord(), ctdbClearRecord(), ctdbResetRecord(), ctdbFindRecord() and other search functions clear the edited record flag. Use ctdbIsNewRecord() to check the new record flag.

  • Handle [in] the record handle.


ctdbIsEditedRecord() returns the edited record flag.

See also

ctdbAllocRecord(), ctdbIsNewRecord()
