Product Documentation

c-treeDB C API Function ReferenceFunction DescriptionsctdbHasDelField

FairCom DB API for C

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Tests for the presence of the internal delete flag.


CTBOOL ctdbDECL ctdbHasDelField(CTHANDLE Handle);


ctdbHasDelField() tests for the presence of the internal delete flag, $DELFLD$, field in a table. $DELFLD$ is a hidden field that FairCom DB API automatically creates as the first field in the record buffer. $DELFLD$ is defined as a 4-byte CT_ARRAY field (to ensure proper alignment of subsequent fields) and its only purpose is to keep a place at the beginning of the record to hold the c-tree delete record flag byte when a record is deleted. This field is handled internally by FairCom DB API and should never be modified by the user.

ctdbHasDelField() receives a table handle as parameter and returns YES if the table was created with a $DELFLD$ field. ctdbHasDelField() returns NO if the table was not created with a $DELFLD$ field.


Symbolic Constant



$DELFLD$ in table.


$DELFLD$ not in table.
