Product Documentation

c-treeDB C API Function ReferenceFunction DescriptionsctdbGetDefaultIndex

FairCom DB API for C

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Return the current default index.


NINT ctdbGetDefaultIndex(CTHANDLE Handle)


ctdbGetDefaultIndex() returns the current default index number. When the record handle is initialized for the first time, the default index is set to zero. To retrieve the index name, use ctdbGetDefaultIndexName(). Use ctdbSetDefaultIndex() to set the default index for the table.

  • Handle [in] the record handle.


ctdbGetDefaultIndex() returns the table default index, or -1 on error.

  • CTDB_DATA_IDXNO: indicates a physical data table traversal without using any indexes.

See also

ctdbAllocRecord(), ctdbGetTableIndexCount(), ctdbSetDefaultIndex(), ctdbGetDefaultIndexName()
