Return the database UID, given a session handle and database name.
CTDBRET ctdbGetDatabaseUID(CTHANDLE Handle, pTEXT Name, pULONG puid)
ctdbGetDatabaseUID() retrieves the database unique identifier, UID, given the database name. Note that the UID of a database persists as long as that database remains in the session dictionary. Removing a database from a session dictionary and then re-adding it to the session dictionary is very likely to change that database’s UID. Use ctdbGetActiveDatabaseUID() to retrieve the database UID, given the Database Handle. Use ctdbFindDatabaseByUID() to locate a database in a session by its unique identifier.
ctdbGetDatabaseUID() returns CTDBRET_OK on success, or FairCom DB API error on failure.
See also
ctdbAllocSession(), ctdbFindDatabaseByUID(), ctdbGetActiveDatabaseUID()