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FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

User Guide

FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide




Installing and configuring FairCom RTG COBOL


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 You may notice references to “FairCom DB,” the database technology beneath FairCom RTG. Formerly called “c-treeACE®” (Advanced Core Engine), this technology is the high-performance server that replaces your COBOL file system.

The FairCom RTG® product line leverages the technology of the FairCom Database Engine. Before explaining the details of installation and configuration, this guide will describe the features common to the FairCom RTG products.

Because the FairCom RTG products are designed as direct replacements for the native file systems, they require little or no modifications to your application.

Overview of FairCom RTG File System

Note: FairCom RTG V3 is based on the latest version of the powerful FairCom Server. The version numbers returned from utilities may reflect the underlying core version number of this server, which is currently V12.

How FairCom RTG Empowers Your Applications

The FairCom RTG products allow you to enhance your existing COBOL applications by upgrading the native file system to the advanced FairCom Database Engine. This file system allows direct access to your files. By replacing the native COBOL file system with a specialized version of the FairCom DB Advanced Core Engine, FairCom RTG brings many of the benefits of FairCom DB to your COBOL applications:

  • Transaction Processing
  • Client/Server Architecture, Sophisticated Caching & Index Compression
  • Multi-User Performance
  • Cross Platform/Multi-Platform Portability
  • Dynamic Backups
  • Granular Cache Support
  • Memory Files
  • Minimal Resource Requirements
  • Developer to Developer Support
  • SQL Access to Your Data

To take advantage of the complete set of features available to FairCom DB developers, you may need to use the FairCom DB Professional SDK in addition to your COBOL application development. This allows you to use industry-standard APIs such as .NET, Java or C/C++. Contact FairCom to explore using FairCom DB Professional.

In This Chapter

Documentation Overview

FairCom RTG File Handler Overview

Key Benefits of FairCom RTG COBOL

FairCom RTG Server Advantages

FairCom RTG SQL Access for Advanced Data Query

Extensive Alternative APIs and Drivers

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Documentation Overview

Content: This manual contains topics to help you get up and running with your FairCom RTG product:

Audience: These topics are intended for system architects, developers, and administrators.

FairCom RTG requires very little developer effort (it is intended to require little or no changes to your application). Instead, most of your effort is in migrating your data and, if you desire SQL access, defining the record schema through an external XML file called an XDD.

For an overview of this manual and of the procedures you will perform, see the chapter titled FairCom RTG COBOL Quick Start.
