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Using Automatic TimestampsREST API autosystemtime for Automatic System Time

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REST API autosystemtime for Automatic System Time

In V12 and later, support for Automatic System Time is available in the REST API to automatically set time/date/timestamp fields at record creation or update.

A new property, autosystemtime, can be set in the field information in the table object at field creation time to specify this support. Below is an example of a JSON request with auto system time support (see last entry):


"fields": [


"name": "custnumb",

"type": "CHAR",

"length": 4



"name": "custzipc",

"type": "CHAR",

"length": 9



"name": "custstat",

"type": "CHAR",

"length": 2



"name": "custrtng",

"type": "CHAR",

"length": 1



"name": "custname",

"type": "VARCHAR",

"length": 47



"name": "custaddr",

"type": "VARCHAR",

"length": 47



"name": "custcity",

"type": "VARCHAR",

"length": 47



"name": "custtime",

"type": "TIME",

"autosystemtime": {

"create": true





A new field property, autotimestamp, has been added to the table object to specify the support for autosystemtime assignment and the events (create and/or update) that trigger the assignment. Here is the OpenAPI specification:



Represents a single table.



minItems: 1


name* string

type* string


Array [ 21 ]

length integer

scale integer

precision integer

autosystemtime {


The field is automatically set with systemtime,

create and update settings determine when the field

is populated, at creation time or at update time.

create boolean

update boolean



