Product Documentation

V9 Update Guide

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Easier Navigation in FairCom DB

FairCom DB was designed to be easy to use and quick to get started with. As such, the existing directory structure is unchanged in V10.

FairCom DB simplifies your development, including providing the build tools as described above. FairCom DB V10.0 has kept the same structure and layout introduced in V9.

Many c-tree developers are accustomed to building their libraries with the mtmake utility and this utility continues to be available. These FairCom DB make utilities are conveniently located in the /pro directory of your FairCom DB installation. This easy to find location is shown below.

FairCom DB V10 mtmake location


Where do I Go?

A brief description of each of the new directories:

  • bin - The bin\ace directory contains the powerful FairCom DB engine, already started in most Microsoft Windows environments. You will find your data in this area when you begin using FairCom DB. A single directory, bin\ace\sql, contains the entire FairCom DB database. Simply copy this directory into your next application deployment. FairCom DB is smaller than 10 megabytes yet rivals the performance of other database products hundreds of times its size!
  • include - Here you will find all of the c-tree source header files required to build your application. Simply include this folder in your project. Everything is included and ready-to-go.
  • lib - Each of the c-tree application interface technologies are contained in a separate directory here. With FairCom DB Express the libraries are pre-compiled and ready to go! Libraries are included for most popular programming environments of your chosen platform. For instance, with Microsoft Windows installations, both Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 libraries are included. Simply point your project to the application interface library of choice, link your application, and build.
  • pro - This directory contains the FairCom DB make utilities for building your own FairCom DB libraries from source. You will find both the traditional mtmake utility, with many new updated options, and a new graphical based utility for easily creating new c-tree makefiles.
  • sdk - This area is where developers can go and get started right away. All of the FairCom DB tutorials for each application interface are contained here, and are ready to load and run. In many cases, simply pick a project, substitute your source code, and you are up and running with FairCom DB database technology in minutes.
  • source - This directory contains all of the traditional FairCom DB client side and standalone source code. Here you can find the source code to many of FairCom's utilities. Modify and customize them as desired to complement your own specific needs.
  • tools - This area contains the all new sleek and modern FairCom DB tools. Two folders are provided. cmdline contains the traditional command line tools, familiar to existing users and retaining the c-tree admin and util folders. The new guitools folder contains the binaries for all of the new FairCom DB tools installed and available from the Windows Start menu.
