Product Documentation

V9 Update Guide

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Administrators Can Now Define the FairCom DB Port Number

FairCom DB supports a new option that sets the TCP/IP port. Previously, the TCP/IP port used was computed with the SERVER_NAME keyword, which computed the port as 5001 plus the sum of the ASCII values of the characters in the server name. The new SERVER_PORT keyword makes it easy for a server administrator to set the TCP/IP port. The new keyword is used as follows:

SERVER_PORT <port_number>

where <port_number> is the TCP/IP port to use.



If both SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT are specified in the server configuration file, SERVER_PORT takes precedence over SERVER_NAME.

When a client prefixes the server name with the pound sign (#), the specified server name is now interpreted as a numeric port. Otherwise, the specified server name is converted to a numeric port using the original approach. For example: #6000@localhost is interpreted as port 6000 (the new approach), and 6000@localhost is interpreted as port 5198 (the original approach).

In addition, FairCom DB on Unix systems now logs the TCP/IP port number it is using to the server status log.
