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VCL/CLX Developers Guide

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Public Properties


property Duplicates() : Boolean;

This property indicates if the index accepts duplicate keys. If Duplicates is set to True, the index accepts duplicate key values.


property EmptyChar() : Integer;

This property indicates the decimal equivalent of the ASCII table value for the empty char. For instance, an ASCII space is specified a value of 32, and NULL byte is specified as 0.


property IndexName() : String;

This property indicates the index name. It can only be modified if the index is not active.


property KeyLength() : Integer;

This property is the length of the key for the index as returned by ctdbGetIndexKeyLength().


property KeyType() : CTDBKEY;

This property specifies the key type. The valid values are given in “c-treeVCL/CLX Definitions”.


property NullFlag() : Boolean;

This property indicates if the index does accept a null value.


property Number() : Integer;

This read only property indicates the index number.


property SegmentCount() : Integer;

This read only property indicates the number of segments that compose the index.


property Segments(Index : Integer) : TCtSegment;

This property is an array containing all segments that compose the index. It is a read-only property, and it may be used as Segments(0) to retrieve the first segment composing the index and so on.


property Temporary() : Boolean;

This property indicates if the index is temporary or permanent.
