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FairCom ADO.NET Driver - Developer's Guide

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As with all other tutorials in the c-tree series, each example simplifies the concepts of database programming into four simple steps: Initialize(), Define(), Manage(), and you're Done() !

No matter what FairCom DB Interface language you are using, FairCom follows these same high-level stages in all the tutorials. This makes is easy for developers to "cross-over" from one interface language to another for these basic concepts apply to all:

  • Initialize() - Every language requires some form of initial "logon" or "connection" procedure to establish a session with the database. This is done in the Initialize() stage of the program.
  • Define() - Database definitions (DDL) , Table/File schema definitions, Index definitions, Table/File creation, and Table/File Open operations are all addressed in the Define() stage of the program.
  • Manage() - This stage of the program is where the database is operated on, as in managing your data. Adding/Reading/Updating/Deleting records/rows are handle in this stage of the program.
  • Done() - When the program ends, the database session should be closed. This stage handles the necessities to "de-init", by closing Tables/Files and issuing any required "logoff" or "disconnect" type procedures.

Presented here are four tutorials that follow the "Initialize(), Define(), Manage(), and you're Done() ! " approach. Each tutorial builds on the prior example, and are intended to be run in order.

In This Chapter

Tutorial 1: Data Basics - Create, Insert, Update, Delete, Find, Retrieve


Record/Row Locking

